Taming the Wild: Mowing Overgrown Lawns with SupaSwift

Posted 14 September 2023
Lawn Maintenance Tips & Advice

Whether you have been away on holiday or just fallen into the trap of letting your lawn grow uncontrollably - it’s time to tackle it! As experienced lawn care professionals, we know what works when faced with extremely tall grass, so read through our step by step guide on how to tame that overgrown landscape.

Assess the Situation

Before you set out on the job ahead, take a walk around your lawn and identify any hidden debris, large obstacles or potential hazards that might affect your mowing path. 

Choose the Right Equipment

Here at SupaSwift, we offer a range of powerful lawn mowers designed to tackle even the most unruly lawns. In fact, our Self-Propelled mowers power through tough terrain, slicing through tall grass and weeds. 

Gradual Approach

Even though you might want to get stuck straight into it, it’s best to take a gradual approach and start by setting your mower deck to a higher position and then gradually start to lower it. This prevents clogging and puts less stress on both your lawnmower and the grass.

Trimming First

If your grass is excessively tall, we suggest you use a trimmer or a whipper snipper to reduce the height to a more manageable level before mowing. This step eases the workload for your lawnmower, ensuring a smoother mowing process.

Cut half of the grass height first

Ideally, you should reduce the height of your grass by 50% first as cutting it too short immediately can damage the roots and encourage the growth of weeds. 

Second Mow

After your first mow, leave your lawn to recover and repair itself for at least a few days. After this, you can mow your grass to your desired height. By breaking up the mows you will avoid scalping which is what leads to bare patches and uneven growth.

Replenish and Revitalise

After your second mow, you can add fertiliser to your lawn to provide some much needed nutrients and help encourage strong growth. You may also want to water your lawn if there hasn’t been much rain.

Post-Mow Cleanup

Once your overgrown lawn is a thing of the past, use a rake or leaf blower to clear away the remaining debris and clippings. To prevent yourself from falling into this same cycle, stick to a regular lawn maintenance routine where you mow every fortnight or once a month. 

Got Questions?

Our mowers are ready to serve your lawn needs, no matter how wild your yard might be looking. SupaSwift will help you restore your yard's beauty. So what are you waiting for? Don’t put it off any longer! Tick it off your to do list and attack that lawn today. If you have any more questions about our mower range or how to keep your lawn looking its best, feel free to get in touch with our SupaSwift team today!

Taming the Wild: Mowing Overgrown Lawns with SupaSwift

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